Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Moonlight Jasmine

Guess what? I finally have a name for my horse, thanks to all of you who helped me name her; introducing Moonlight Jasmine. She is so beautiful and quite a hungry foal! I fed her milk from a bottle all morning with some apples for dessert. I also love petting her and brushing her silky coat. Foals in North of North need lots of love and attention so that they can grow up to be strong and magnificent magical horses. It was so kind of Sara to let me take care of one of her precious baby horses. Do you have your own magical foal? You can have one if you want! If you already have one, what is his/her name? How old? What’s your favorite thing to do with him/her? I’d love to hear all about your foal!


  1. Anonymous7/10/2009

    Last weekend was Independence Day.So we went and bought fireworks for the street.when it was dark outside we climbed up on the roof and watched all the fireworks in the sky.then we lit up the street fireworks.It was so fun! I saw blue,red,white,yellow,and green.After that we all went inside for icecream.

  2. Anonymous7/12/2009

    Moonlight Jasmin is a wonderful name(: I hope that u2 have a great fun;)

  3. That sounds like fun for Independence Day. I wish I could have been there...

    Thanks, I love her name too! Thank you everyone for helping me pick her name.

  4. Anonymous7/14/2009

    Whe wish you and Moonlight Jasmin good luck(me and my aunt).

    "A happy memory can bring you joy right now"

  5. Anonymous7/15/2009

    Hi Penny.
    You know what my has promised my to buy Nike's Great Race, Fiery Fiona and Thunder's Courage.
    I already own Bella's Gift, Valkrist Flight and Jewel's Magic.
    I'm soon going to get Harmony's Journey, Pepper's Quest and Coral And The Pearl Diver(I hope:)

  6. Anonymous7/16/2009

    Hello Penny.
    I whanna ask you a question-What is your favorite Bella Sara horse.
    My favorite horse's are:(i can't just pick one,i have so many favorites)Athena,Venus,Jewel and Fiona.

  7. Anonymous7/20/2009

    Which herd do you think is symbolized?

  8. Hi friends,

    Thanks for the good luck! I love Moonlight Jasmine--she is so sweet, and she loves it when I pet her!

    I'm glad you like the books as much as I do! I cannot wait to read Coral and the Pearl Diver. What has your favorite book been so far? I love them all. I can't decide which one I like the best!

    I love all the horses, but I especially love writing about Bella, Fiona, Jewel, Thunder, and Nike. We have lots of the same favorites!

    If you look at the different herds, you can see that they each have a symbol. One of them has a horse for a symbol. Which one is it???

  9. Anonymous7/21/2009

    Hi Penny.
    My favorite book(so far)is Jewel's Magic.
    I can't whait for the Nike, Fiona and Thunder book's to come.
    By the whay what is going to be in the next poll?

  10. Anonymous7/21/2009

    The heards have the patron of the heard for ther symbol. Like Fiona, the horses of Heard Shahazar love to express themselves through art and create works of imagination that inspire others.
    Am I right?

  11. Anonymous7/22/2009

    I hope there is going to be an Egyptian series.
    Can you Penny give my a clue about Bella's Ball.Please..

  12. Anonymous7/24/2009

    Penny you are right!
    I love Nike's Great race too.
    This book is great from the start.

  13. Anonymous7/27/2009

    What series is going to come after the Bella's Ball?

  14. Anonymous7/28/2009

    How many books are after coming, after Shamal´s Secret?

  15. Anonymous7/28/2009

    This website is great and i just love bellasara i can't what after some more new news.

  16. Anonymous7/28/2009

    Penny my horses name(in Bellasara) is also Moonlight Jasmin.
    But she's all black.

  17. Anonymous7/29/2009

    Is Thunder and Jewel together?

  18. Anonymous7/29/2009

    I think that Thunder & Jewel would be a perfect match for each other! I hope they get together! They could have a foal, too. :)

  19. Anonymous7/30/2009

    I know!:)You are right, Jewel and Thunder would be a perfect match. Their foal would be a total cuty.

  20. Anonymous7/30/2009

    Penny, dosin't Jewel and Robin have 2 foals together?

  21. Anonymous7/30/2009

    Do Fiona have a boyfriend (a horse boyfriend)?

  22. Anonymous7/30/2009

    In what store on Iceland can you get Bellasara cars?

  23. Anonymous7/30/2009

    Has Jewel any boyfriend?I hope that her boyfriend is Thunder.

  24. Anonymous7/31/2009

    Please ansewr my


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